The Planning Officer's Report,
October 2001

5 - Before any development commences, samples of the facing and roofing materials to be used in the external construction of all principal elements of this development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

REASON: To ensure a satisfactory external appearance.

6 - In so far as this permission relates to all ground floor elevations to all elements of the development hereby approved, full details of any security measures to the front elevation of the premises such as the installation of roller shutters, grilles or screens, shall be submitted to and agreed by the local planning authority prior to works commencing on site and, for the avoidance of doubt, any roller shutter boxes shall be recessed behind the fascia panel and the roller shutter shall be of the open mesh variety and shall have a stove enamel or similar finish in a colour to be agreed with the local planning authority prior to installation.

REASON: It is in the interests of visual amenity.

7 - Any security grilles, screens or roller shutters shall be removed or retracted during the hours the premises are open for trading.

REASON: It is in the interests of visual amenity.

8 - In so far as this permission relates to all elements of the development hereby approved, all loading, unloading and parking of vehicles in connection with the use hereby permitted shall take place within the site and the space allocated for those purposes as shown on the approved plans accompanying this application shall be used exclusively to meet this requirement.

REASON: It is in the interests of highway safety and to avoid congestion on adjoining streets.

9 - In so far as this permission relates to the hotel, the use of the development hereby approved shall not commence until the associated service lay on old Hall street has been constructed and completed at no cost to the Council and entirely in accordance with the requirements of the Council as the local highways authority.

REASON: The Council wishes to ensure the availability of this facility from the outset in the interests of traffic management, highway safety and visual amenity.

10 - Prior to work commencing on site full details of the number, size, species and location of trees and shrubs to be planted and the treatment of all ground surfaces not built upon shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

REASON: These details have not been submitted with the application and the Council wishes to ensure they are satisfactory in the interests of visual amenity.

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